
This is a historic page from 2017. Information is not current or updated. Other tabs on this website contain current information about the Sylvans and Conclave.

Conclave Overall Results

Place School Points
1 Stephen F. Austin 278.50
2 Clemson 260.00
3 Arkansas Monticello 224.50
4 ABAC 182.00
5 Auburn 177.25
6 Louisiana Tech 175.00
7 Alabama A&M 174.75
8 Mississippi State 173.75
9 Georgia 168.00
10 Virginia Tech 163.75
11 Tennessee 144.50
12 Florida 132.50
13 LSU 106.50

Technical Overall Results

Place School Points
1 Clemson 117.00
2 Stephen F. Austin 114.00
3 ABAC 102.00
4 Georgia 100.50
5 Arkansas Monticello 94.50
6 Mississippi State 90.75
7 Auburn 86.25
8 Alabama A&M 83.25
9 Virginia Tech 80.25
10 Louisiana Tech 66.00
11 LSU 60.00
12 Florida 57.00
13 Tennessee 40.50

Physical Overall Results

Place School Points
1 Stephen F. Austin 164.5
2 Clemson 143.0
3 Arkansas Monticello 130.0
4 Louisiana Tech 109.0
5 Tennessee 104.0
6 Alabama A&M 91.5
7 Auburn 91.0
8 Virginia Tech 83.5
9 Mississippi State 83.0
10 ABAC 80.0
11 Florida 75.5
12 Georgia 67.5
13 LSU 46.5

Technical Event Results

Compass & Pacing

School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Jarvis Ballard 435 12 3
Alabama A&M James Bond 510 13 1.5
Arkansas Monticello Tyler King 55 5 13.5
Auburn James Elrod 21.5 2 18
Clemson Ben Hall 14 1 19.5
Florida Holden Gable 162 10 6
Georgia Ryan Roeder 69 7 10.5
Louisiana Tech Kyle Gordon 73 8 9
LSU Mason LeBlanc 320.2 11 4.5
Mississippi State William Griffin 38 3 16.5
Stephen F. Austin Sean Hoes 132 9 7.5
Tennessee Sean Bowers 65 6 12
Virginia Tech Justin Mays 54.5 4 15

All 5 courses included 4 traverses of exactly 2640 feet in total length. Score is the distance in feet off the true end point, not the relative precision ratio, thus lower values rank higher.

DBH Estimation

School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Trevor Barwick 8.6, 2.1 2 18
Alabama A&M Cherie Barnes 21.8 8 9
Arkansas Monticello Hunter Helms 11.6 5 13.5
Auburn Johnny Walker 15.7 6 12
Clemson Elaine Snowberger 44.4 11 3.75
Florida Carrie Kimbrough 35.3 9 7.5
Georgia Blake sherry 11.3 4 15
Louisiana Tech Michael McVay 7.6 1 19.5
LSU Nick Light 70 13 1.5
Mississippi State Jason Warner 17 7 10.5
Stephen F. Austin Jason Ashen 8.6, 4.7 3 16.5
Tennessee Joslyn Knox 42.3 10 6
Virginia Tech Jake Davis 44.4 11 3.75

Score is the sum of the absolute value of the deviations of the 10 estimated trees. A tiebreaker tree (following the comma), was used to break a tie between 2nd and 3rd places. The tie for 11th place split 11th and 12th place points.


School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Harrison Booker 52 9 6.75
Alabama A&M Wilford Briggs 100.5 2 18
Arkansas Monticello Tyler Raines 80 3 16.5
Auburn Zac Slay 79 4 15
Clemson Wesley Edwards 75.5 5 13.5
Florida Maggie Gullion 33 12 3
Georgia Logan House 62.5 7 10.5
Louisiana Tech Josh Nalitt 48.5 11 4.5
LSU Holden Simoneaux 73.5 6 12
Mississippi State Clayton Cooper 52 9 6.75
Stephen F. Austin Michael Elliott 129.5 1 19.5
Tennessee Taylor Hamlin 28.5 13 1.5
Virginia Tech Coy Lemmert 55 8 9

Maximum score was 200 points. The tie for 9th place split 9th and 10th place points.


School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Jarvis Ballard 38 4 14.25
Alabama A&M Asherah Jackson 16 12 3
Arkansas Monticello Justin Ballard 28 9 7.5
Auburn Darci DeBrunner 34 7 10.5
Clemson Adam Forbes 38 4 14.25
Florida Douglas Ramon 4 13 1.5
Georgia Michael Buchanon 42 2 18
Louisiana Tech Kyle Gordon 24 11 4.5
LSU Kevin Kohl 26 10 6
Mississippi State William Griffin 50 1 19.5
Stephen F. Austin Jessica Pruneda 35 6 12
Tennessee Taylor Hamlin 32 8 9
Virginia Tech Cullen Anderson 40 3 16.5

Maximum score was 132 points. The tie for 4th split 4th and 5th place points.

Pole Classification

School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Julian Maddox 65 7 10.5
Alabama A&M Dakota Currier 81, 8 1 19.5
Arkansas Monticello Caleb Wilson 63 8 9
Auburn Aaron Milstead 81, 7 2 18
Clemson RJ Greenthaler 76 3 16.5
Florida Holden Gable 57 10 6
Georgia Denton Boone 55 11 4.5
Louisiana Tech Mason Bullock 59 9 7.5
LSU Zack Walker 72 5 13.5
Mississippi State Daniel Harrison 39 13 1.5
Stephen F. Austin Christopher Longman 73 4 15
Tennessee Sean Bowers 41 12 3
Virginia Tech Walker Downs 70 6 12

Maximum score was 100 points (10 points per pole with 10 poles). A tiebreaker tree (following the comma), was used to break a tie between 1st and 2nd places.

Timber Estimation

School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Eric Whatley 244.0, 63.7 6 12
Alabama A&M Caleb Currier 300.5, 7.2 2 18
Arkansas Monticello Sam May 248.4, 59.3 5 13.5
Auburn Cody Hartzog 484.2, 176.5 12 3
Clemson Tim Brady 304.4, 3.3 1 19.5
Florida Jamal White 386.1, 78.4 9 7.5
Georgia James Carr 332.5, 24.8 3 16.5
Louisiana Tech Brady Kumler 135.2, 172.5 11 4.5
LSU Mason LeBlanc 279.2, 28.5 4 15
Mississippi State Steven Gray 240.5, 67.2 7 10.5
Stephen F. Austin Taylor Barton 224.2, 83.5 10 6
Tennessee Brad Nellis 906.6, 598.9 13 1.5
Virginia Tech Justin Mays 235.8, 71.9 8 9

Actual volume was 307.7 tons. Competitor answer followed by the absolute value of error is listed above.


School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Marian Huggins & Jason Townley 35.5 1 19.5
Alabama A&M Matthew Stone & Ethan Rose 18 9 7.5
Arkansas Monticello Hunter Helms & Greg Craig 19.5 8 9
Auburn Zac Slay & Mary Jo Berkstresser 16.5 12 3
Clemson Rebecca Boazman & Caroline Guerry 24.5 5 13.5
Florida Jessica Hong 20 7 10.5
Georgia Tim Miller & Justin Rectenwald 26.5 3 16.5
Louisiana Tech Andrew Hill & Cole Starkey 21.5 6 12
LSU Nicole Stagg & Alex Hadskey 17 10 6
Mississippi State Austin Gentry 25 4 15
Stephen F. Austin Ellart Vreugdenhil & Jered Rhodes 33 2 18
Tennessee Ben Branam & Scott Johnson 16.5 11 4.5
Virginia Tech Sarah Bayless & Matthew Hutchens 12.5 13 1.5

Maximum score was 40 points.

Wood Technology

School Competitor Name Score Rank Points
ABAC Jason Townley 36 2 18
Alabama A&M Nate Cox 9 9 6.75
Arkansas Monticello Tyler Daniell 16.5 6 12
Auburn Marcus Williford 9 9 6.75
Clemson Danny Thomas 21.5 3 16.5
Florida Brandt Bessell 21 4 15
Georgia Noah Floyd 9.5 8 9
Louisiana Tech Mason Bullock 8 11 4.5
LSU Nicole Stagg 4 13 1.5
Mississippi State Daniel Harrison 14 7 10.5
Stephen F. Austin Tyler Brady 45 1 19.5
Tennessee Charles Beeson 5 12 3
Virginia Tech Walker Downs 19.5 5 13.5

Maximum score was 80 points, with 4 points each for 20 wood blocks. The tie for 9th split 9th and 10th place points.

Physical Event Results


School Competitor Name Score (pts) Rank Points
ABAC Jonathan Bamford 122, 46 2 12
Alabama A&M Kyle Lybarger 101 6 8
Arkansas Monticello Caleb Wilson 97 9 5
Auburn Kristen Qualls 49 12 2
Clemson Tim Brady 122, 34 3 11
Florida Frank Prince 45 13 1
Georgia Noah Floyd 100 7 7
Louisiana Tech Benjamin Moore 122, 32 4 10
LSU Alex Hadskey 73 11 3
Mississippi State Austin Gentry 99 8 6
Stephen F. Austin Zack Ovelgonne 138 1 13
Tennessee Ben Branam 89 10 4
Virginia Tech Scott Hammond 111 5 9

A tiebreaker round was needed to break a three-way tie for 2nd place. The tiebreaker is shown after the comma in score.

Axe Throwing

School Competitor Name Score (pts) Rank Points
ABAC Ben Rampy 8, 9 3 11
Alabama A&M Kyle Lybarger 4 8 5.5
Arkansas Monticello Sam May 10 1 13
Auburn Aaron Milstead 6 5 8.5
Clemson Lane Whitmire 7 4 10
Florida Holden Gable 5 7 7
Georgia Noah Floyd 3 10 3
Louisiana Tech Chris Olvey 8, 11 2 12
LSU Connor Egan 0 13 1
Mississippi State Jordan Childs 6 5 8.5
Stephen F. Austin Ian Erickson 4 8 5.5
Tennessee Joslyn Knox 3 10 3
Virginia Tech Justin Mays 3 10 3

A tiebreaker round was needed to break a two-way tie for 2nd place. The tiebreaker is shown after the comma in score. A tie for 5th place split 5th and 6th place points, a tie for 8th place split 8th and 9th place points, and a three-way tie for 10th place split 10th, 11th, and 12th place points.


School Competitor Name Rank Points
ABAC John Bazemore 13 1
Alabama A&M Kyle Lybarger 2 12
Arkansas Monticello Greg Craig 4 10
Auburn Johnny Walker 5 8.5
Clemson Adam Forbes 5 8.5
Florida Maggie Gullion 9 3.5
Georgia Denton Boone 9 3.5
Louisiana Tech Chris Olvey 3 11
LSU Hayden Smith 7 6.5
Mississippi State Jordan Childs 9 3.5
Stephen F. Austin Ellart Vreugdenhil 1 13
Tennessee Taylor Hamlin 7 6.5
Virginia Tech Matthew Hutchens 9 3.5

A tie for 5th place split 5th and 6th place points, a tie for 7th place split 7th and 8th place points, and a four-way tie for 9th place split points for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th places.

Bowsawing - Men

School Competitor Name Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Jason Townley 32.73 11 3
Alabama A&M Nate Cox 28.78 9 5
Arkansas Monticello Hunter Helms 16.57 5 9
Auburn Cody Hartzog 18.51 7 7
Clemson Glenn Rippon 26.89 8 6
Florida Charles Cooper 72.00 13 1
Georgia Blake Sherry 17.23 6 8
Louisiana Tech Michael McVay 10.47 1 13
LSU Kevin Kohl 41.26 12 2
Mississippi State Mike Ramsey 29.74 10 4
Stephen F. Austin Zack Ovelgonne 15.17 3 11
Tennessee Bill Ivey 14.08 2 12
Virginia Tech Coy Lemmert 16.55 4 10

Bowsawing - Women

School Competitor Name Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Marian Huggins 67.50 9 5
Alabama A&M Asherah Jackson 56.11 7 7
Arkansas Monticello Mikaela Farmer 78.60 12 2
Auburn Kristen Qualls 77.00 10 4
Clemson Melody Reynolds 31.89 1 13
Florida Kya Tucker 53.37 5 9
Georgia Rebecca Swan 78.30 11 3
Louisiana Tech Annie Smith 58.10 8 6
LSU Nicole Stagg 173.60 13 1
Mississippi State Darcey Collins 50.88 4 10
Stephen F. Austin Kirbee Bowman 36.46 2 12
Tennessee Kimberly Costantino 38.43 3 11
Virginia Tech Courtney Wilson 55.44 6 8

Chain Throwing

School Competitor Names Time (min:sec) Rank Points
ABAC Zach Wilson & John Bazemore 02:03.6 6 8
Alabama A&M DeShaun Mincey & Cherie Barnes 06:14.4 11 3
Arkansas Monticello Tyler Daniell & Greg Craig 01:03.3 2 12
Auburn Aaron Milstead & Cal Logan 02:37.8 8 6
Clemson John Bryan & Brantley Groshon 01:20.8 4 10
Florida Nadia Peattie & Carrie Kimbrough 02:44.5 9 5
Georgia Denton Boone & Logan House DQ 0 0
Louisiana Tech Michael McVay & Brady Kumler 01:16.7 3 11
LSU Andrew Riggs & Cameron Koman 06:02.5 10 4
Mississippi State Sam Seamon & Darcey Collins 02:15.2 7 7
Stephen F. Austin Ellart Vreugdenhil & Sean Hoes 00:58.1 1 13
Tennessee Charles Beeson & Scott Johnson 02:01.2 5 9
Virginia Tech Jake Davis & Scott Hammond DQ 0 0

Georgia disqualified (DQ) for running the course with a 66 foot chain, while Virginia Tech disqualified for having two loops off by more than 12 inches in their thrown chain. While Clemson was initially disqualified, they successfully protested based on confusing signals from the judges, and the results presented reflect their second attempt at the event.

Crosscut Sawing - Jack & Jill

School Competitor Name Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Marian Huggins & Jason Townley 17.78 4 10
Alabama A&M Jessica Billings & Alex McCord 146.09 13 1
Arkansas Monticello Mikaela Farmer & Caleb Wilson 23.94 6 8
Auburn Kristen Qualls & Zac Slay 31.87 8 6
Clemson Elaine Snowberger & Kemp Wilson 16.395 3 11
Florida Maggie Gullion & JT McUmber 36.28 9 5
Georgia Rebecca Swan & Michael Buchanon 49.935 10 4
Louisiana Tech Annie Smith & Benjamin Moore 21.765 5 9
LSU Nicole Stagg & Kevin Kohl 76.91 12 2
Mississippi State Sam Seamon & Steven Wood 27.59 7 7
Stephen F. Austin Kirbee Bowman & Zack Ovelgonne 10.645 1 13
Tennessee Kimberly Costantino & Brad Nellis 16.095 2 12
Virginia Tech Sarah Bayless & Matthew Hutchens 62.635 11 3

Crosscut Sawing - Men

School Competitor Name Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Julian Maddox & Harrison Booker 19.405 11 3
Alabama A&M Alex McCord & Zackary Evans 12.53 7 7
Arkansas Monticello Justin Ballard & Caleb Wilson 8.59 3 11
Auburn Cody Hartzog & Marcus Williford 11.765 6 8
Clemson Kemp Wilson & Colby Benfield 9.205 4 9.5
Florida JT McUmber & Jamal White 13.115 8 6
Georgia Michael Buchanon & Justin Rectenwald 22.175 13 1
Louisiana Tech Derrick Moore & Benjamin Moore 7.205 2 12
LSU Mason LeBlanc & Nick Light 21.72 12 2
Mississippi State Joel Naron & Steven Wood 16.41 9 5
Stephen F. Austin Zack Ovelgonne & Brody Capps 6.00 1 13
Tennessee Brad Nellis & Bill Ivey 9.21 4 9.5
Virginia Tech Cullen Anderson & Walker Downs 16.50 10 4

A tie for 4th place split the points for 4th and 5th places.

Crosscut Sawing - Women

School Competitor Name Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Marian Huggins & Elaine Snowberger 12.175 (SWO) 13 1
Alabama A&M Asherah Jackson & Jessica Billings 14.35 4 10
Arkansas Monticello Mikaela Farmer & Taylor Gydesen 9.11 3 11
Auburn Darci DeBrunner & Mary Jo Berkstresser 29.215 11 3
Clemson Caroline Guerry & Melody Reynolds 8.92 2 12
Florida Carrie Kimbrough & Maggie Gullion 24.405 9 5
Georgia Sarah Yeakle & Rebecca Swan 18.52 7 7
Louisiana Tech Annie Smith & Ashton Cruse 16.40 6 8
LSU Courtney Wilson & Nicole Stagg 18.535 (SWO) 13 1
Mississippi State Sam Seamon & Darcey Collins 16.00 5 9
Stephen F. Austin Kirbee Bowman & Katie Adams 5.905 1 13
Tennessee Kimberly Costantino & Joslyn Knox 20.985 8 6
Virginia Tech Courtney Wilson & Sarah Bayless 27.735 10 4

SWO indicates that the competitor sawed with a woman from another school, as that school only had one woman sawyer. By rule, this is awarded last-place points regardless of time. This rule is intended to foster sportsmanship among schools, and allow schools with only a single woman competitor to participate regardless. Louisiana Tech successfully protested their time based on cutting in a knot, and the time shown reflects their second attempt.

Knife Throwing

School Competitor Name Score (pts) Rank Points
ABAC Ben Rampy 9 1 13
Alabama A&M Lawson Quick 1 6 7
Arkansas Monticello Sam May 8 2 12
Auburn Tyler Coffman 5 4 10
Clemson Austin Phillips 0 9 3
Florida Jessica Hong 1 6 7
Georgia Tim Miller 0 9 3
Louisiana Tech Mason Bullock 0 9 3
LSU Tanner Theisen 1 6 7
Mississippi State Joel Naron 0 9 3
Stephen F. Austin Ian Erickson 6 3 11
Tennessee Sean Bowers 0 9 3
Virginia Tech Scott Hammond 3 5 9

A three-way tie for 6th split points for 6th, 7th, and 8th places, while a five-way tie for 9th split the points from 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th places.

Log Chopping

School Competitor Names Time (min:sec) Rank Points
ABAC Jarvis Ballard 05:00.0 9 3
Alabama A&M Xavier King 05:00.0 9 3
Arkansas Monticello Sam May 03:54.8 7 7
Auburn Tyler Coffman 03:39.7 6 8
Clemson Kemp Wilson 01:20.4 1 13
Florida Charles Cooper 03:24.7 5 9
Georgia Blake Sherry 05:00.0 9 3
Louisiana Tech Brady Kumler 05:00.0 9 3
LSU Hayden Smith 05:00.0 9 3
Mississippi State Steven Wood 04:54.3 8 6
Stephen F. Austin Zack Ovelgonne 02:11.6 4 10
Tennessee Brad Nellis 01:32.2 2 12
Virginia Tech Coy Lemmert 01:38.1 3 11

Competitors are stopped at 5:00 for safety reasons. These individuals tied for 9th place, splitting the points for 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th places.

Log Rolling

School Competitor Names Time (min:sec) Rank Points
ABAC John Bazemore & Trevor Barwick 02:47.1 6 8
Alabama A&M Dakota Currier & Caleb Currier 03:12.8 8 6
Arkansas Monticello Caleb Wilson & Phillip Duncan 02:15.7 3 11
Auburn Cal Logan & James Elrod 02:40.1 5 9
Clemson Kemp Wilson & RJ Greenthaler 01:25.6 2 12
Florida Tyson Miracle & Brandt Bessell 03:25.0 9 5
Georgia Ryan Roeder & Tim Miller 02:32.4 4 10
Louisiana Tech Mason Bullock & Chris Olvey 05:18.1 12 2
LSU Zack Walker & Daniel Kaiser 04:37.9 11 3
Mississippi State Daniel Harrison & Jason Warner DQ 0 0
Stephen F. Austin Christopher Longman & Brody Capps 01:04.6 1 13
Tennessee Sean Bowers & Scott Johnson 03:49.2 10 4
Virginia Tech Justin Mays & Jake Davis 03:08.2 7 7

Mississippi State did not complete the course due to an injury, hence the disqualification (DQ).

Pole Climbing

School Competitor Names Time (secs) Rank Points
ABAC Zach Wilson 54.00 13 1
Alabama A&M Xavier King 8.765 7 7
Arkansas Monticello Greg Craig 5.95 2 12
Auburn Johnny Walker 8.28 6 8
Clemson John Bryan 6.155 3 11
Florida Kya Tucker 12.075 10 4
Georgia Ryan Roeder 6.875 4 10
Louisiana Tech Andrew Hill 11.015 9 5
LSU Mason LeBlanc 7.735 5 9
Mississippi State Caleb Parker 31.47 12 2
Stephen F. Austin Ellart Vreugdenhil 3.955 1 13
Tennessee Brad Nellis 12.085 11 3
Virginia Tech Justin Mays 9.72 8 6

Pole Felling

School Competitor Names Dist, Time (ft, min:sec)
Rank Points
ABAC Julian Maddox 16.90, 3:08.00 13 1
Alabama A&M Alex McCord 0.10, 1:37.715 4 10
Arkansas Monticello Tyler King 1.30, 2:45.11 7 7
Auburn Cal Logan 2.40, 2:51.39 11 3
Clemson Tim Schumann Hit, 2:12.00 1 13
Florida Tyson Miracle 1.25, 2:03.55 6 8
Georgia James Carr 1.65, 1:32.85 9 5
Louisiana Tech Derrick Moore 2.35, 1:18.00 10 4
LSU Mason LeBlanc 14.00, 2:24.47 12 2
Mississippi State Jake Overstreet Hit, 2:14.91 2 12
Stephen F. Austin David Peterson Hit, 2:17.30 3 11
Tennessee Brad Nellis 0.75, 1:32.735 5 9
Virginia Tech Walker Downs 1.45, 1:52.53 8 6

In pole felling, the competitor felling the pole closest to the stake wins. Time is used as the tie-breaker for competitors who hit the stake.