This is a historic page from 2017. Information is not current or updated. Other tabs on this website contain current information about the Sylvans and Conclave.
Welcome to the Home of the 60th Southern Forestry Conclave!
Join us Friday, March 17, 2017 from 1pm - 9pm, and Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 8am - 5pm at Durango's Canyon, northwest of Mt. Enterprise, Texas.
Watch more than 250 collegiate competitiors from 15 Colleges and Universities around the South compete in 14 timbersports events such as crosscut sawing, axe throwing, and log chopping. The Stihl Timbersports Series pits one competitor from each school against the field in 4 timbersports events, including chainsawing and standing block chopping, from 6pm - 9pm on Friday, March 17.
If you are interested in staying at Durango's Canyon in the cabins or the RV Park, please contact the Durango's Canyon main office at (903) 898-2772.
Food will be available for purchase on site. Bring lawn chairs. Events will go on rain or shine.