
This is a historic page from 2017. Information is not current or updated. Other tabs on this website contain current information about the Sylvans and Conclave.

Conclave Documents

Technical Events

Physical Events

  • Bow Sawing (Men and Women) Wood Species - Sweetgum - Posted January 4, 2017
  • Crosscut Sawing (Men, Women, Jack-and-Jill) Wood Species - Sweetgum Posted January 4, 2017
  • Log Chopping Wood Species - Sweetgum - Posted January 4, 2017

Non-Point Events

  • Event List - Posted October 27, 2016
    • Tug-of-War
    • Tire Flip
    • Kettle Boil
    • Caber Toss
  • Event Rules - Posted January 21, 2017
  • Event Prizes - Member's Mark 30oz Tumbler, 18/10 stainless steel, one for each winning competitor - Posted March 8, 2017