Timberfest 2018
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All photos taken by Jeremy Stovall
SFA News
Click here for the full article by ATCOFA's outreach coordinator, Sarah Fuller
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - For the fourth consecutive year, the Sylvans, Stephen F. Austin State University's timbersports team, won the collegiate portion of the Arkansas State Lumberjack Competition held during the 35th annual Timberfest festival in Sheridan, Arkansas.
"It was by far the Sylvans' most dominant victory during the past four years of Timberfest competitions," said Dr. Jeremy Stovall, associate professor of forestry and faculty advisor for the Sylvans.
SFA students placed first in the Jack and Jill crosscut, single buck crosscut, double buck crosscut, women's bowsaw, men's bowsaw and underhand chop. The Sylvans narrowly missed a first-place win in the axe throw competition, losing by only one point to the University of Arkansas at Monticello.
For the second year in a row, the Jack and Jill crosscut team of Katie Adams and Brody Capps, both forestry majors in SFA's Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, executed the fastest crosscut time of the competition, besting the time of the all-male crosscut teams.
Arkansas House of Representatives member Ken Bragg, an SFA alumnus and past Sylvans president, officiated the competition, which was organized by fellow SFA alumnus Karl Hansen, among others.
Thanks to the fine folks at Timberfest in Sheridan, Arkansas for inviting the Sylvans to compete each year!
Competitions generally use lathed sweetgum rounds, with sizes apparent in the photos. Time starts with a signal rather than when the teeth of the saw move. Teams may enter either two women or two men in double-buck crosscut sawing. A starter cut is used for single buck usually. Axe throw has more scoring rings than at Conclave, with a seltzer can that must be popped for a bullseye to count. Competitors get four throws, top three count. Bowsaw (some years) is on a lower cant holder than Conclave. Scoring awards 5 points for a winning team, 4 for second place, etc. regardless of number of colleges competing. Otherwise rules are very similar to Conclave.